Our Journey

History of Our CSR Efforts 

At the core of who we are lies the unfaltering belief that we thrive when our communities thrive. This belief has informed our long-standing mission of feeding and fostering communities, as well as our various CSR endeavors for the past three decades. We have been able to serve a very important purpose – to show up when and where needed and offer a helping hand. Every action we take today is rooted in the continuation of our ultimate purpose.

Some of the notable causes and partnerships that McDonald's Qatar has carried out include:

Education: McDonald's Qatar has been a proud partner of the Education Above All Foundation (EAA), a global education foundation based in Qatar that provides access to quality education for children in the country and around the world. Our goal is to ensure equal access to education and to harness the power of quality education for positive and inclusive change. Since our partnership in 2022, we have donated more than QAR 450,000 towards EAA, helping to fund various educational projects and programs. In 2024, we expanded our partnership to support higher education by funding college scholarships, offering students a brighter future. This partnership demonstrates McDonald's Qatar's commitment to supporting education and investing in the future of the country.

Heath: In the past, we have organized annual blood donation drives in partnership with Hamad Medical Corporation. This initiative encourages McDonald's employees and members of the community to donate blood in support of the important work HMC is doing to improve healthcare in the country. This partnership reflects McDonald's Qatar's dedication to supporting the local healthcare system and the overarching health of our community.

Sports: We believe sports provide a platform for people to come together and share feel-good moments. In partnership with the Qatar Basketball Federation (QBF), we have provided funding and resources for youth leagues, coaching clubs, and national team competitions. Our partnership with QBF is just one example of our ongoing commitment to championing local athletes and fostering community-wide engagement through sports.

 Community Development: We have always been involved in several community development initiatives through our partnerships with local organizations, such as Qatar Charity and Qatar Red Crescent, spearheading books, toys, and food donation campaigns. These partnerships have helped improve the lives of of underprivileged members of the community and promoted social well-being, while concurrently advancing our dedication to becoming a responsible corporate citizen.


Education Above All (EAA Partnership)

McDonald’s Qatar has partnered with Education Above All (EAA) to support the foundation’s educational programs through awareness-building, fundraising, and volunteering activities. This partnership between McDonald’s and EAA is rooted in our shared goal: a world where everyone has equal access to quality education. We believe every child deserves the chance to learn and become a leader. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

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